Friday, January 27, 2012

The effects of personal integrity on human relations in a workplace.

Ethics and Licensed Massage Therapists
When massage therapists come into contact with their clients, ethics always comes into play. There are certain [ethical] expectations that both the client and the Masseuse should always obey. Professionalism in all Massage Therapy centers is a part of ethics in the workplace. For example, on the ABMP (Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals) website, it talks about the unspoken regulations. The five regulations are as listed:  
      (1) LMTs shall maintain the highest standards of professional conduct, providing services in an ethical and professional manner in relation to clientele, business associates, health care professionals, and the general public. If an LMT does not act as a professional, or has "close" relations with one of their clients, they may end without a job, unless, of course, they are self-employed, in which case their client could easily tell a friend of theirs not to rely on that LMT. 
      (2) LMTs shall respect the rights of all ethical practitioners and will cooperate with all health care professionals in a friendly and professional manner. If they do not treat such people with said courtesy and professionalism, other health care professionals may take that offensively and decide not to work with an LMT in any way, shape or form. 
      (3) LMTs shall refrain from the use of any mind-altering drugs, alcohol, or intoxicants prior to or during professional sessions. If an LMT is intoxicated in some way, they may hurt their patient(s) without meaning to, and might even lose that client. 
      (4) LMTs shall always dress in a professional manner, proper dress being defined as attire suitable and consistent with accepted business and professional practice. Smutty clothing especially, is unacceptable for the LMT. It might give their client the wrong impression, and it could also result in ,again, losing a patient.
      (5) LMTs shall not be affiliated with or employed by any business that utilizes any form of sexual suggestiveness or explicit sexuality in its advertising or promotion of services, or in the actual practice of its services. Clients may expect that kind of behavior of the LMT in this situation, and if the LMT does not know about the behavior issue, then the client might turn on the LMT and try to...Well, ou get the picture. 
 This ethical code is used throughout the United States. If any of these rules are broken, an LMT working for a company may be judged and can face punishment to the employers discretion.
The AMBP has their own saying: Serving the massage therapy community through practice support, ethical standards, legislative advocacy, and public education.


Friday, January 20, 2012

legal responsibilities of a Masseuse

One law that helps govern Massage Therapy/massage therapists is as followed: 
A person shall not in any way, shape, or form, forge or counterfeit a license. A person may not use or display a license to practice Massage Therapy that: a)is not the original license issued to the person, b) has not been counterfeited or forged, c) has been altered copied or replicated for any purpose, d) has been issued to someone else. 
Because there are too many laws to list, please visit the link below for more information on other laws.