Monday, February 20, 2012

The Pact Review

We watched the documentary called The Pact in class last week. I'm not usually fond of documentaries, but The Pact was decent. It was interesting to see the different families, and how they lived, as well as how they dealt with their troubles and worries. I must admit, it was a little racial, but then again, there's not a lot of diversity in their hometown. For me, it was not very inspiring, but I'm only one person. I'm sure the book or the movie has changed peoples lives for the better, just not me.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Work Habits/Attitudes

productive work habits and attitudes for the LMT (Licensed Massage Therapist)

Try to keep the client relaxed and calm. Keep your clients happy, and your fellow employees happy as well. 
"I try to always keep the client in mind and try to make them feel better in every way possible. Even if it means they use me as a sounding bored for personal or work issues." -Leah Hedgepeth.